Do you know what shrubs are in your yard? Many of our homes were landscaped with invasive shrubs, including burning bush, Japanese barberry, and nandina. Columbia Association Village CARES and environmental groups have come together to raise awareness of invasive shrubs common in Columbia yards, and to offer FREE beautiful and environmentally beneficial native shrubs in a one-to-one exchange for removing invasive shrubs. You can start supporting pollinators, feeding the birds, and help stop the spread of invasive plants!
Register now and reserve up to 2 native shrubs, choosing from 7 options. You will be asked to submit before-and-after photos of invasive shrub removal before picking up.**Columbia residents or Columbia Association assessed properties only.**
Registration is required: or by scanning the QR code on the Shrub Exchange flyer (requires Adobe Reader). Pick up is on Saturday, October 19 at Howard Community College.
Please share! This shrub exchange was made possible by Chesapeake Bay Trust, with matching support from Columbia Association.
Questions? Email [email protected].