Columbia Council Rep Report

CA Board Work Session/Meeting May 9, 2019

Resident Speakout

Cecile Wong spoke about the renovation of the Columbia Athletic Club. She is unhappy with floor installation at the big gym. Ms. Wong told the Board that the cushioning is insufficient.  It has a negative impact on joints.  This is bad for instructors and members.

Ruth Hughes asked the Board to support acknowledging National Gun Violence Awareness day which is on June 7.   On June 8 at 2pm, there will be a gathering at Harper’s Choice Village Center.  Gun violence prevention advocates will have a program that include a number of groups supporting this issue.  She asked that a representative of the Board to attend the event and speak on behalf of this topic.

Joel Hurewitz spoke about the lien.  The contract lien act is needed to protect due process.

Peter Dodd referenced the floor situation above.  He says that the flooring cushion is less than 1/4 inch.  He asks that the floor be replaced and to improve the floors elsewhere as renovations happen in other facilities.

Work Session Topic – CA’s Draft Five-Year Strategic Plan 

The Board continued its work on the goals for the strategic planning to be completed by the end of May.

 Annual Meeting of the Members of Columbia Association

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Resident Speakout

Joel Hurewitz spoke about Village elections in Harper’s Choice.   He says we live in an apathetic community and wants to know how to deal with Village elections held the same date as the Primary elections in 2020.   He said no one knows what Columbia does or why their village exists.

Gregg Schwind spoke about a couple things.  The corporate officers have been changed.  The General Counsel is no longer the secretary of the corporation. The Board had not been informed about this.

Election of 10 Directors to the Board of Directors

The council met to vote the members on to the Board of Directors.


Board of Directors Meeting

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Election of Chair and Vice Chair of Columbia Association’s Board of Directors.

The Board voted for the new Chair – Andy Stack (uncontested) and Vice Chair –   Ginny Thomas (in a contested race).

Appointments to Committees

The committee members were selected for Audit and Risk Management.

Moving forward, I had discussed moving the Board Operations Committee back to monthly meetings.  Another member suggested including new business on the agenda so if something comes up it can be dealt with it at the time rather than having to wait too long to deal with issues.

Ginny suggested that I chair an ad hoc committee  to address these two issues initially and then others to make much needed changes for the Board.  The new ad hoc committee is made up of Janet, Lin, Shari and me.

Confirmation of Columbia Association Representatives to the Inner Arbor Trust Board of Directors

Lin and Janet were appointed for another year to serve on the IAT Board.

Reappointment of the Officers of Columbia Association 

There was discussion about the role of secretary of the organization.  The position has been added to Vice President’s role.

The Board normally has a parliamentarian at the meetings.   The general counsel will remain parliamentarian.

Proposed Schedule of BOD Work Sessions and Meetings in FY20

The calendar was approved for the year.  Meeting times are moving to 7pm from 7:30pm and held the second and fourth Thursdays of each month.  No meetings in August and only one in November and December.

We are off to a new year.  As Chair of the ad hoc committee I hope to make changes to how the Board functions and to make CA a more transparent entity.  I hope to improve relations with the community and to hear from the community regarding needed changes.  Please feel free to send me your concerns or thoughts.



[email protected]

Wilde Lake Representative to Columbia Association.