Columbia Council Rep Report

CA Board Meeting June 28, 2018

These notes reflect Nancy’s viewpoint only.

The official minutes of the Columbia Association Board meetings can be found on the CA website at: 

Nancy encourages you to send her your comments on her notes. Please reply to her directly at [email protected] 

Columbia Association Board of Directors Meeting

June 28, 2018

Nancy’s Notes

Resident Speakout

  • Brian England spoke about the Guilford Industrial Park business owners.  The owners ask that CA take over the covenants from HRD who has control over the industrial parks. When over 50% of the owners have signed off on a letter saying CA should take over the covenants it will be sent to CA.  Mr. England said that like the residential covenants, the commercial covenants need to be assumed by CA.  Guilford Industrial Park business owners want to take over the covenants and transfer them to CA.  HRD has had the request over a month and owners have gotten no response.  HRD has not been following the regulations.
  • Chris Alleva spoke about the problems with HRD not doing its job.  He backed up what Brian England said about CA taking over the covenants for the industrial parks.  He said if CA is not ready, the property owners can create a property owners’ association and have their own architectural committee similar to the residents architectural committee in the villages.  He believes Oakland Ridge Industrial Park will be the next one to come to CA.
  • Ginger Scott commented on the devastation due to the flooding on the Fairway Golf course.  She feels staff should reevaluate the streams and rivers to assure they are adequate to prevent further flooding.  She gave ideas that CA could use to help create buffers from the stream and rivers.

The Board discussed how CA can move forward to take over the covenants from HRD. This is a complicated legal issue that CA is working on.  In the meantime at least one industrial park is working to have CA take on the covenants for their park.

There was also concern voiced that some do not want the county to take over the covenants of the industrial parks in Columbia.  Columbia is unique for a variety of reasons, including the covenants.

Inner Arbor Trust (IAT) Report

  • The IAT report indicated they are doing well.  There have been a number of successful events and more are planned.  Many events are for children as well as adults.  There has been great feedback.  3000 people signed up for an event for children recently.
  • In October the IAT will come to the Board to tell us the plan to determine what needs to be done to prevent further damage to the fragile grounds.  There may be irrigation and drainage upgrades.   We will have a better idea of what’s needed in a few months.

 Resident Speak Out at Worksessions

Resident speak out has changed.  From now on, residents can speak about any topic at a Worksession.  Previously Resident Speakout only allowed speakers to talk about the Worksession topic.

FY 2020 Budget Schedule

  • The calendar for the FY 2020 budget was discussed.  The September meeting is the first opportunity for testimony from Village Managers and others who wish to bring their requests for the next budget.
  • In July the Board will discuss the cap and the annual charge rate residents pay to CA. The budget process is critical. It determines when and how funds will be spent on the many facilities, programs, and land needs and resources to maintain CA and Columbia as a great place to live.
  • There was lengthy discussion about how the budget is done.

Stay cool this summer and don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.

Happy Summer!


[email protected]