Wilde Lake Village Board Meeting September 4, 2018


A regular meeting of the Wilde Lake Village Board was called to order by Kevin McAliley, Chair,on September 4, 2018 at 6:30pm at Slayton House, Columbia, Maryland. Members present were Kevin McAliley, Chair; Laura Torres, Vice Chair; Mary Calder; Bess Caplan, Stephen Mowatt; Kristin Shulder, Village Manager; and Carole Black, Board Secretary. Nancy McCord, Columbia Council Rep, was absent. Also present were Marty Oltmanns, CA Aquatics Director; Bonnie Bricker, and John and Ann Worley.


Mr. McAliley requested the addition of a discussion about attending the HCPSS Community Partnership event.

  • Ms. Caplan made a motion, seconded by Ms. Torres, to approve the amended agenda for September 4, 2018. All in favor.
  • Ms. Caplan made a motion, seconded by Mr. Mowatt, to approve the minutes of August 6, 2018. All in favor.

SPECIAL GUEST: Marty Oltmanns, CA Aquatics Director, Proposal for Running Brook Pool Splashpad Design

  • Mr. Oltmanns presented four options for the design for a splashpad at Running Brook Pool The Board supported the option with multiple features, but requested additional shade structures. (i.e. concept 2 with shade structure from concept 1).

Resident Speakout

There were no residents who wished to speak out.


Request for Free Use: Talk with Me! Howard County

  • Bonnie Bricker gave the background for this program, which encourages early interactions with young children. The program is run by volunteers. Ms. Bricker was asking for free use of space at Slayton House for a workshop.

Ms. Torres made a motion, seconded by Ms. Caplan to approve free   use of the conference room at Slayton House for the Talk With Me! Howard County program. All in favor.

Discussion: Bike Rodeo and Fun Day

Ann and John Worley provided updates on the Bike Rodeo and Fun Day scheduled for September 22 in the Wilde Lake Interfaith parking lot.  They asked for any assistance in publicizing this event.

Request for Donation : WLHS After-school Activity Bus

  •  Ms. Caplan made a motion, seconded by Mr. Mowatt,  to donate $500 to help fund the cost of the bus. All in favor.

CA FY2020 Budget Input

The Board discussed asking for planting of additional trees in the grove by the dam, stream restoration projects, shoreline restoration along Wilde Lake, and shade structures at tot lots.

Discussion: HCPSS Community Partnership Event

  • Ms. Torres made a motion, seconded by Ms. Caplan, to approve the $60 to purchase three tickets for Board members to attend this event. All in favor.

Columbia Council Rep: Ms. McCord was absent. No report.

AC Liaison Report: A report was submitted.


Education: Ms. Calder and Mr. McAliley went to the WLMS Community Block party. Ms. Calder has contacted all principals and PTA presidents. She has signed up for the school newsletters to keep up with all the events.

Health and Wellness: Ms. Torres is working with Bill Miller and Barbara  Kellner on a health walk around the lake on the day of the picnic. She is developing a list of questions for discussion at the opioid forum on October 24.

Wilde Lake CARES: Ms. Caplan reminded everyone about the cleanup on September 22.

Manager: Ms. Shulder provided updates on the picnic scheduled for September 15.

Chair: Mr. McAliley went on the bus tour with the Howard County Realtors, which went well.


Ms. Calder made a motion, seconded by Ms. Caplan, to adjourn the meeting  at 8:40pm. All in favor.


Submitted by

Carole Black

Board Secretary

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