Village Board Meeting, March 7, 2022



MARCH 7, 2022


CALL TO ORDER:  A virtual meeting of the Wilde Lake Village Board was called to order by Kevin McAliley, Chair, on March 7, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. in a Zoom meeting. Members present were Kevin McAliley, Laura Torres, Vice Chair, Elizabeth Lopez, Tracey Manning and Davon Wright; Tina Horn, Columbia Council Rep, Kristin Shulder, Village Manager and Dale Wasmus, Administrative Assistant taking minutes. Also present were residents Genie Wessel, Anne Wallace, and Bess Caplan, Co-Chair, Wilde Lake CARES.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA:  Ms. Lopez made a motion to approve the agenda. Ms. Manning seconded the motion; all in favor.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Ms. Torres made a motion to amend the February 7, 2022, WLVB meeting minutes to strike Ms. Manning’s motion of approving the request for free use of Slayton House by the CA Climate Change & Sustainability Committee. Ms. Manning had previously recused herself from the discussion. Ms. Lopez seconded the motion; all in favor.

SPECIAL GUESTS: Howard County Police Department Outreach Representative, Officer Emily Alexander, attended and gave an update on the extra policing efforts in Wilde Lake, Owen Brown and Harper’s Choice. For the past three weekends the Howard County Police have ramped up their foot, bike and vehicle patrols in these villages.

Danielle Shanks, Principal, Bryant Woods Elementary School, stated that there are openings for the pre-Kindergarten class for children who turn 4 by September 1. Also, they are looking for volunteers for lunch and recess. Also, in attendance was Lauren Slattery, BWES, Title 1 Family Involvement Contact.

RESIDENT SPEAKOUT: Both Anne Wallace and Genie Wessel spoke about traffic issues on Green Mountain Circle. There are many speeders on this road. Amazon, FedEx and UPS drivers are repeat offenders. There is great worry about the children who walk to school being hit by these speeding vehicles.


# 1 Request for Donation: Running Brook Elementary School PTA. Bess Caplan, Running Brook Elementary PTA Treasurer attended the meeting to request a donation for the school’s first annual STEM DAY event the PTA is planning for April 28. Bess also mentioned that volunteers are needed for this event. Ms. Horn made a motion to donate $500 to the Running Brook Elementary School PTA. Ms. Lopez seconded the motion; all in favor.

# 2 Discussion: WLV 55th Anniversary. Stephanie Wall from the Howard County Executive Office attended the meeting and gave an update on the planned activities the county has for June 25 at the Wilde Lake Village Center. Howard County Rec & Parks will set-up and take down. Some planned activities include Chess stations, Karaoke on a stage, Bike Rodeos. Advertising for this event will begin at the end of April/beginning of May.

#3 FY2022 3rd Quarter Financial Report. Ms. Shulder advised that WLCA will end up with just over $100,000 for leases and rentals revenue. The financials are looking very good for FY23. At the next WLVB meeting, we will discuss recommendations for donations for the schools. The money must be spent in the next 7 to 8 weeks, by the end of the fiscal year. Our Management Contract with CA determines that 20% of our current cash reserves should be used for our community. About six years ago WLVB donated money to Howard Community College for a scholarship fund for Wilde Lake community members. The endowment now has approximately $25,000. Ms. Manning made a motion to approve the FY2022 3RD Quarter Financials. Mr. Wright seconded the motion; all in favor.

REPORTS: Wilde Lake Representative to the Columbia Association Board of Directors – Ms. Horn stated at the last CA Board Meeting the Operating Budget of $11,000,000 for Capital improvements was approved. All CA pools will be open if properly staffed. On March 8, 2022 at 6pm there will be a sub-committee meeting to discuss what the advisory committees’ role is? CA has granted a ten-year extension on the Minority Owned Business policy.

CARES: Ms. Manning reported that there has been a lot of planning for the Wilde Lake Cleans Day on 3/26/22, from 10 a.m. to noon. Lisa Kim has been a lot of help. Volunteers are needed for this event. Green Fest will return to HCC on 4/9/22. The CA Climate Change & Sustainability event on3/5/22 at Slayton House was attended by approximately 20 people. There was a big discussion about trees as well as the problems with the floating islands and the stream restoration project.

Health & Wellness: Mr. McAliley is organizing the April 23 bike ride.

AC Liaison: Ms. Torres reported that February was a slower month than normal and only five applications were received. The RAC is still working with the homeowner and the fence. No applications for this RAC meeting.

Manager: Ms. Shulder reminded the WLVB that the deadline to submit nominations for the Village Board candidates is on Wednesday, March 9 by 5 p.m. Also, if anyone is signing a candidate’s petition who rents or leases a property, Wilde Lake must have a current lease on file. Ms. Lopez and Mr. Campbell will validate the nomination packets on Friday, 3/11/22.

Ms. Shulder had a conversation with Marty Oltmanns, CA Aquatics Director, about the desperate need for lifeguards. As of now they have enough to staff Running Brook pool. Columbia Association is doing a lot of new things for recruiting, such as going door to door with door hangers about the lifeguard opportunities in Faulkner Ridge and Bryant Woods. Also, there will be a recruiting event/with pizza at Slayton House on Wednesday, March 23, 2022.

Chair: Mr. McAliley is out and about still promoting Wilde Lake Village. He would like everyone to return to the WLVB, if not on the board, join committees. Mr. McAliley met with John Klein of Coast Watch Engineering to organize a Wilde Lake Beaverbrook stream bed restoration tour.

ADJOURNMENT: Ms. Lopez made a motion to adjourn the meeting at approximately 8:46 p.m. Ms. Manning seconded the motion; all in favor.




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