Wilde Lake Village Board Meeting December 3, 2018


A regular meeting of the Wilde Lake Village Board was called to order by Laura Torres, Vice Chair,on December 3, 2018 at 6:33pm at Slayton House, Columbia, Maryland. Members present were Laura Torres, Vice Chair; Bess Caplan Stephen Mowatt; Nancy McCord, Columbia Council Rep (arrived at 7pm); Kristin Shulder, Village Manager; and Carole Black, Board Secretary. Kevin McAliley, Chair; and Mary Calder were absent. Also present were PFC Bryan, Borowski, Community Resource Officer, HCPD; Genie Wessel, WL Representative to the CA Senior Advisory Committee; and residents Tony Romano, Brenda Davis,  Yolanda Epps, James Purcell, and Carole Purcell.


Ms. Caplan made a motion, seconded by Mr. Mowatt, to approve the agenda for December 3, 2018. All in favor.


Mr. Mowatt made a motion, seconded by Ms. Caplan, to approve the minutes of November 5, 2018. All in favor.

SPECIAL GUEST: PFC Bryan Borowski, Community Resource Officer, HCPD

PFC Borowski provided safety and security information for residents in response to the recent car break -ins in several neighborhoods. He encouraged residents to contact the police if they notice anything suspicious. If they have any questions or concerns, they can contact PFC Borowski at [email protected].

SPECIAL GUEST: Genie Wessel, Wilde Lake Representative to the CA Senior Advisory Committee

Ms. Wessel provided updates about the committee’s activities. They recently visited the new tennis facility in Long Reach.

Resident Speakout

  • Tony Romano, and James and Carole Purcell discussed some safety concerns with PFC. Borowski, such as poor street lighting.
  • Brenda Davis had a concern about water runoff from properties in Beaverbrook. Ms. Caplan suggested she contact John McCoy about installing a rain garden and contacting the county since Beaverbrook is not in Columbia.


Appointment of 2019 Village Election Chair

Ms. Torres made a motion, seconded by Ms. Caplan to appoint Yolanda Epps as the 2019 Village Election Chair.             All in favor.

WLCA FY2019 Second Quarter Report

Ms. Caplan made a motion, seconded by Mr. Mowatt, to accept The FY 2019 Second Quarter Report. All in favor.

            E-voting Proposal

Ms. Shulder reported that 4  villages are interested in doing e-voting in 2019. The cost will be approximately $700 per village.

Ms. McCord made a motion, seconded by Ms. Caplan, to approve e-voting for the 2019 village elections. All in favor.

Discussion: Wilde Lake-Downtown Multi-Use Pathway

This item was tabled until testimony is required to the Planning Board.

Request for Free Use: Silhouette Stages

Mr. Mowattt made a motion, seconded by Ms. Caplan to give free use of the conference room up to 3 times at 2 hours each. All in favor.


Columbia Council Rep: No report


Education: Ms. Calder was absent.

Health and Wellness: Ms. Torres will be planning a mindfulness and meditation workshop in the spring.

Wilde Lake CARES: Ms. Caplan had nothing to report.

Neighborhood Reps: Mr. Mowatt reported that he had two new reps. He is working on a newsletter. He will be talking to the HOAs about having reps.

Manager: Ms. Shulder reported that Breakfast with Santa was a big success. Both seatings were sold out.


Ms. Caplan made a motion, seconded by Ms. Torres, to adjourn the meeting  at 8:00pm. All in favor.


Submitted by

Carole Black

Board Secretary

Approved 01/07/19

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