Village Board Meeting April 19, 2021

This meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. Please email Kristin Shulder, Village Manager, at [email protected] for login information if you would like to attend

CLOSED SESSION: In accordance with the Maryland Homeowners Association Act, to discuss matters pertaining to employees and personnel.                                                          10 minutes

 Call to order         (1 minute)

Approval of Agenda   (1 minute)

Approval of Minutes (04/05/2021)     (2 minutes)

Resident Speakout      (15 minutes)


  1. *FY2022 Budget            ( 15 minutes)

ADJOURNMENT (no later than 7:15pm)

*Indicates action item

Mission Statement

To organize and operate a nonprofit civic organization, exclusively for the promotion of the health, safety, common good and social welfare of the owners of property in, and the residents of, the Village of Wilde Lake.

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