March 19, 2018 Minutes


A regular meeting of the Wilde Lake Village Board was called to order by Kevin McAliley, Chair, on March 19, 2018 at 7:08pm at Slayton House, Columbia, Maryland. Members present were Kevin McAliley, Chair; Jeff Friedhoffer, Vice Chair (arrived at 6:45pm); Bess Caplan; Laura Torres (arrived at 7pm); Nancy McCord, Columbia Council Rep; and Kristin Shulder, Village Manager. Wulah Cooper was absent. Also present were Jayme Brewrink, Jane Harlove and Andrea Frank, Running Brook Elementary School; Al Edwards; Janet Siddiqui and Nayab Siddiqui.

  • Ms. Shulder requested the addition of Certification of 2018 Wilde Lake Village Election Results.  Bess made a motion to approve the amended agenda.  Jeff seconded.  All in favor.
  • Ms. Caplan made a motion, seconded by Mr. Friedhoffer, to approve the amended agenda for March 19, 2018. All in favor.
  • Mr. Friedhoffer made a motion, seconded by Ms. Caplan, to approve the minutes of March 5, 2018. All in favor.


Resident Speakout

Janet Siddiqui introduced herself. She is a candidate  for District 4 County Council. She is a former Howard County School Board member.


Education Outreach Review

  • Andrea Frank leads the Blessings in a Backpack program at Running Brook Elementary School.  She gave a presentation about the program which provides supplemental food for students for the weekends.  Currently, there are 40-50 RBES students participating in the program.  It costs $100 to feed one child for the school year.
  • Al Edwards spoke about Columbia Presbyterian Church’s community outreach efforts.  The church is interested in partnering with RBES and possibly expanding the Blessings in a Backpack program county-wide through corporate sponsors, etc.

Request for Donations:  Bryant Woods Elementary School

  • Ms. Torres made a motion, seconded by Ms. Caplan,  to donate $550 as requested by the BWES principal and $1450 to BWES PTSA.  All in favor.

FY2019 Draft Budget

  • Ms. Shulder reviewed the draft budget with the Board. Members suggested increasing staff development expense.  Final budget will be approved on April 16.

Certification of 2018 Wilde Lake Village Election Results

  • Mr. Friedhoffer made a motion to appoint Bess Caplan, Kevin McAliley and Laura Torres to the Board of Directors for FY2019 per WLCA By-laws section 2.03A.  Ms. Caplan seconded.  All in favor.
  • Ms. Torres made a motion, seconded by Ms. Caplan, to appoint Nancy McCord to the Columbia Council per WLCA By-laws section 4.04. All in favor.
  • Ms. Caplan suggested sending an Amazon gift card to Mr. Cooper’s family for the new baby.
  • Mr. McAliley asked the Board whether there is still interest in having a student member.  Kimco will not fund BikeShare at WLVC but will do landscaping work behind Bagel Bin.  The County Executive is expected to include funds for Bikeway in the FY2019 budget.
  • Mr. Friedhoffer made a motion, seconded by Ms. Torres to adjourn at 7:50 to a closed session in accordance with the Maryland Homeowners’ Association Act, to discuss matters pertaining to employees and personnel. All in favor

Submitted by

Carole Black

Board Secretary

Approved 04/02/18

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